Thursday, November 29, 2007

Food Sale: The Reckoning

The Food Sale is tomorrow, people! Some last-minute details for you all:
  • Ms. Brown will be purchasing 4-5 dozen donuts
  • Rio will be purchasing the hot chocolate
  • Felicia will be providing the creamer for those customers who wish (per our vote), as well as the hot water heater
  • My family will be providing cups and napkins for the hot chocolate and donuts
  • The Weather Channel says that the high tomorrow will be 62 degrees Fahrenheit, with some winds and a 30% chance of showers, so the hot chocolate should sell fairly well
  • Ms. Brown will send out passes at the beginning of 4th period for all students who will be participating in the Food Sale. This will definitely include Elise, myself, and Phillip. I wish to also pull out Rio, Alexandria, and/or Felicia (hopefully for no more than a total of five people). Anyone who is working with another club can part-time if they wish. The passes will excuse you 10-15 minutes early from your 4th period so that you can help set up before lunch.
  • I don't know where our table is placed; Ms. Quintanilla, the teacher who deals with Leadership, left early today, and Leadership had not contacted me previously (and for some reason, they couldn't show me a map or anything). As we have an electric hot water heater, I'll be bringing an extension cord, just in case.
  • Alexandria is holding the $38 we made from the last recycling run. We'll be using this and our immediate revenue to reimburse those who bought supplies on-the-spot. Hopefully, we can make a decent amount of money with this (Leadership does take a cut of the profits).
Things are looking to be pretty good insofar; everyone has a job, donuts always sell, and the weather is on our side for hot chocolate. Let's all put our best effort in, and make some MONAY!!!!


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