Monday, April 30, 2007

Overview of tomorrow's meeting

Tomorrow, the Enlightened Youth will come and join us. They will be observing us and perhaps contributing to our regular debates. We will also come up with an opinion poll asking whether students at Hollywood High are content with their educational learning. This sort of local (school) issue will further advance JSA's ability to analyze issues that students feel are important to address. Our debate topic for tomorrow is: Resolved, that hate speech is free speech.

On another note about the voluntary donations of the In-N-Out, we agreed that:
1) tickets will sold afterschool
2) this is a voluntary contribution from students and teachers
3) a person may buy up to 10 tickets
4) JSA students will have 15 tickets each to sell by May 25.
5) Drawings will be held on May 25 through the PA announcements.
6) If JSA students cannot sell 15 tickets each, they have the option to purchase their given tickets and they do have a fair chance to win one of the three prizez IF their name is chosen out of the box.
7) Whoever sells the most tickets recieve a $5 gift certificate to In-N-Out.

Good luck, and I will see you tomorrow
~Jonathan Kim

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