Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Junior State of America

Junior State of America

Hey this is Jonathan Kim updating OUR weblog. I want to each and one of you who attended: Adolfo Carcano, Mike Orellana, Gilbert Villa, Dustin Becerra, Oliver Mcfeely, Sylvestre Keme, Brennan Jackson, and Ms. Galvin. We raised over TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS! EXCELLENT JOB you guys. I know that each and of you put alot of effort into making our JSA yard sale a success. And I want to thank Brennan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson for generously allowing us to use their yard so we can have our sale, TWICE! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
Continue to use this weblog for any information that you want JSA members to know. Also I want to mention that we are revising our CONTACT INFO LIST. The first one is horrible because not alot of people input their home phone numbers! It was bunch of MYSPACE'S! That will not work people! PLUS WE HAVE MORE MEMBERS! Kudos to all the new members who joined (Aejin, Catherine, Gabriela Caceras, Oliver McFeely, Raj, Gilbert Villa, and Sylvestre Keme). Those are the new members who joined after our CHARTER MEMBERS. We discussed on Tuesday, June 20 that we ought to have another YARD SALE during our vacation. This time it will be more fun and exciting because EVERYONE will participate. It will be our biggest YARD SALE ever! (I really hope so)To have the biggest yard sale, WE MUST INVEST IN A CLOTHESRACK to hang our COOL CLOTHES. Clothes are the hottest thing to sell at yard sales to my knowledge. So that is all I want to say. I will see all of you guys next Tuesday. Bye! P.S.: Our debate wlll be more formal and more sophisticated from now on. We will have more frequent debates. Do not worry, it will be fun! JSA is about enhancing our debating skills, so debate we must.
Sincerely, Secretary of Debate

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