Monday, December 03, 2007

Food Sale: The Aftermath

Well, the Food Sale was last Friday, and, although there were a lot of fires to deal with, we made it through. Those who bought the donuts, cups, and napkins have been reimbursed; all that remains is to pay Leadership their cut of the profits after reimbursing Rio, who bought the hot chocolate mix. Due to a mix-up, I currently hold all but $10 of the money (that is held by Alexandria), and right now I hold $36.04, so we probably made something about $40 or so. It's a decent amount, but I feel that if we had gotten more donuts, we would have made more money- this sale only got us about as much as our last recycling run, and took a lot more effort. So, we'll try and get the money all squared away this meeting, where we'll reimburse Rio, and hand the rest of the money to Alexandria, to deposit in the account along with the $38 from the last recycling run (that we decided to hold off on depositing so as to use for reimbursement, but was actually unneeded). So, come to JSA this Tuesday, and don't forget, because we have that Thought Talk on stem cell research.


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