Saturday, April 29, 2006

Junior State of America

Junior State of America Hey this is Adolfo,

Should we continue to try to get more members for JSA? I think we can still get six more members...

Adolfo Carcano
~Secretary of Defense
~400m runner

Junior State of America

Junior State of America

Yep, six new member- Oliver, Nick, Roge, Catherine and her friend (don't know the spelling, sorry), and who was the last one?

I will be representing Iran, yep, the Axis of Evil.

Thanks a lot Catherine for making the copies.

Get ready,
Jack, President

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Junior State of America

Junior State of America

Jonathan again trying to fix an error. The below statement was meant to say 40 cents, not "$40". Sorry for the inconvienience...

Junior State of America

Junior State of America

This is Jonathan Kim posting...

Vicky, the person who asked for ten dollars was me. I believe Fedex/Kinko's charges $40 per color copy. I asked for ten dollars because I did not want to go to Fedex/Kinko's (personally) and not have enough money for the copies.
Catherine, one of our new six members had volunteerly helped us out print the flyers. So let us thank Catherine.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

April 25, 2006

Junior State of America

Ok people, this is Vicky

first of all, WHO THE HELL THINKS THAT 30 COPIES COST 10 DOLLARS???? Anyhow, now that I got that out of my system, here's the heads up on today's meeting

everybody except Keiry, Debbie(WHO I SAW TODAY) and Phoenix were there. We got 6, yes SIX FABULOUS new members, and although I didn't say it at the meeting, I think that we should kick out the people who don't attend, TWO of which happen to be officers. Ok, so we decided to have another fundraiser and to attend the spring convetion for 2007. Lets see, ummmmmmmm, yeah, we also assigned everybody a country to represent(well actually Ms. Galvin did) at next week's UN model. We didn't get to discuss the Lemonade Stand thing in detail. I think that's about it. yep yep



Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Junior State of America

Junior State of America

Guys, when you post, almost leave your name at the end so we know who made the post.

$10 for 30 flyers is outrageous, guys. I think we can just make them on the computers and print them straight out.

I will start a MySpace now. As long as there's one, it doesn't matter.

Guys, keep recruiting!
Jack, President

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Things to think about...

Junior State of America

Jonathan will make the flyers for JSA, so we can start putting up flyers all around the school. How cool is that? Jonathan will make the first copy of the flyer and with approval, I will withdraw $10 from the treasury and go to Fedex/Kinko's and make at least 30 copies.

On another note, if every country gave twice (materials) and received once, wouldn't everyone be happy and live in harmony? Let us achieve peace in the world!

April 18, 2006

Junior State of America

Hey guys. so today at the meeting (only Jack, Marianna, Adolfo, Brennan, Jonathan and myself were there) we created a list of people whom we would ask to join. the model UN thingy pretty much disappeared and we decided to discuss the pending/dead garage sale at the next meeting. Our myspace has been on hold for at least three weeks although it only takes a couple of minutes to create an account. that was it.


April 18, 2006

Junior State of America

Hey guys. so today at the meeting (only Jack, Marianna, Adolfo, Brennan, Jonathan and myself were there) we created a list of people whom we would ask to join. the model UN thingy pretty much disappeared and we decided to discuss the pending/dead garage sale at the next meeting. Our myspace has been on hold for at least three weeks although it only takes a couple of minutes to create an account. that was it.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Representation in the United Nations

Junior State of America

I will represent China


Oh, jack, by the way, its not Katie, its Keiry

Representation in the United Nations

Junior State of America

I have chosen Russia as the country that I will represent for next week's debate.

~Jonathan Kim (Secretary of Debate)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Junior State of America

Junior State of America

Brenan and I will represent Great Britain. As for the rest of you, decide and post your nations here preferably by Friday.

Katie, I still need to get that money to borrow the JSA tapes from the headquarter, so let me know when you can do that.

And lastly, is our MySpace up yet? It's been three weeks, so I'm just curious.


April 11, 2006

Junior State of America

hey everybody, its vicky again

well, everybody attended today and we had a nice discussion on the iranian conflict thingy. we decided that next meeting would be a model UN in which people would chose a country beginning with their letter. if you have any q's, call me or jack.

i don't think we paid our dues today, but im not sure why

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

April 4, 2006

Junior State of America

Hey guys, this is Vicky again.

Okay, today was one of the best meetings we have ever had. First of all, everyone was there, YAY!!! We didn't make any decisions on our frozen garage sale proposition thingy, but we did have a fabulous, though rushed debate on proposition HR4437. For the next meeting, we sort of decided on having a model United Nations, but nothing is final, Jack or I will call everybody to make the model UN final.

well, that's about it.


Monday, April 03, 2006


Junior State of America

This is Vicky and I just wanted to remind everyone that there IS a meeting tomorrow in Mrs. Galvin's room, so be there!!!
