Monday, April 30, 2007

Overview of tomorrow's meeting

Tomorrow, the Enlightened Youth will come and join us. They will be observing us and perhaps contributing to our regular debates. We will also come up with an opinion poll asking whether students at Hollywood High are content with their educational learning. This sort of local (school) issue will further advance JSA's ability to analyze issues that students feel are important to address. Our debate topic for tomorrow is: Resolved, that hate speech is free speech.

On another note about the voluntary donations of the In-N-Out, we agreed that:
1) tickets will sold afterschool
2) this is a voluntary contribution from students and teachers
3) a person may buy up to 10 tickets
4) JSA students will have 15 tickets each to sell by May 25.
5) Drawings will be held on May 25 through the PA announcements.
6) If JSA students cannot sell 15 tickets each, they have the option to purchase their given tickets and they do have a fair chance to win one of the three prizez IF their name is chosen out of the box.
7) Whoever sells the most tickets recieve a $5 gift certificate to In-N-Out.

Good luck, and I will see you tomorrow
~Jonathan Kim

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

So what's happening in JSA?

So what's happening in JSA?

On the national level, Spring State took place in April 20-22. The elections took place and we have a new governor of SoCal. Take a look at this site Or go to www. and click on "New Governors Elected!" on the right hand side.

On the local HHS level, we are doing an In-n-out drawing! Everyone is given 15tickets (mandatory to sell) and each ticket cost one dollar. Our drawing will be held in May 25th. Three lucky winners will get a $10 gift certificate to In-N-Out. And as a bonus, whoever sells the most tickets gets a $5 gift certificate to - guess where- In-N-out. Please sell as much as you can. ALL Proceeds will go to the club so we can go to the next convention, Fall state, in September. Also to prepare for our Mini-Con that will hopefully come up before June 2007. That's all for now.

Best regards, Jonathan Kim

Thursday, April 12, 2007

What taxes mean to you.

The 2006-2007 Official Membership Card has arrived! I will pass them out in our next meeting, April 17th.

Jonathan K.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

AR Conference Group Picture

The JSA AR One Day Conference at UCLA from 9:00AM -3:30 PM was a blast! Thank you Jennifer, Elise, Brennan and Ms. Galvin for coming!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

411 on the Angeles Region One Day Conference

Event Info
Angeles Region One Day
Education is the Future!
AR Cabinet!
Meetings - Club/Group Meeting
Time and Place
Saturday, April 7, 2007
9:00am - 4:30pm
UCLA- University of California, Los Angeles (NEUROSCIENCE BUILDING)
Los Angeles, CA
Contact Info

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Today's meeting updated

Today, JSA'ers decided to sell Hot Dogs and Pies (and other baked goods) for the International Food Day in April 18th (correct me if I'm wrong on the date). Phillip Han volunteered to buy the condiments and pies, and Brennan Jackson volunteered to buy the hot dogs and buns. They will be reimbursed after the sale. Jennifer Pacelli decided to take on the task of costume design as JSA will exude Yankee (American) pride.

The UCLA One day conference is this Saturday, from 9:00AM - 3:30PM. This might conflict schedule with the Community Service Club's (CSC) Hancock Park Convelesccent visit. The President of CSC and I will hopefully come to an understanding and agreement of these two very important events. I am saying this because most JSA'ers are also in CSC, and it is difficult choosing one over the another. Rest assured, this conflict will be dealt with ASAP.

LAX SPRING STATE (APR. 19-22). Anyone who has the money to go, please come up to me and I will give you the permission slip form and I will then secure a sponsor who will take us there. Our sponsor Ms. Galvin should be available but she has a SAS Orientation on Saturday, April 21. This will cause a conflict as well. The Track A counselor, Ms. Brown and I will come up with an efficacious agreement if students want to participate in this convention. Registration will have to take place quickly as well which I can complete.

Peace and love (Mr. Bah's catchphrase),
~Jonathan Kim, President